Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'll remember!?

Play and read!? Thanks to my friend Mikey for getting me out of my funk today!? His blog today talks about gratitude and perspective!? It's easy for one to lose himself in all the negativity surrounding us. Why do we let it get to us. But the funny thing is, if a friend of mine were in my shoes, I'd be able to show him another perspective. I would be able to show that friend what he could look forward to. I guess I could start treating myself differently, like a friend. I guess it's all in the ability to stop, step out and look around. Life is not a hole and we shouldn't take our worries for deeper ones. From now on, I'll look at life as a road with curves, bumps and branches. Sometimes you have three lanes to move in. Sometimes the path is so narrow that you can't help but get scratches. At least, you keep moving forward. You might have to slow down sometimes, but even in traffic you move forward. And there is always the shoulder you can stop on to rest, ask for help or just look at the landscape, smell the roses. So again thanks Mikey. I'll remember the friends in my life right now!? I'll remember the ones that came and went. Same goes for virtual friends. Let's just say it was good while it lasted. I'm glad of what I have, that I can afford it. I'm glad of what I've lost, I was able to enjoy it while I had it. I'm glad I'm getting my health back, I'll make sure to take better care of it. I'm glad I can read and write this, and the computer I'm typing on. I'm really glad for this blog. It made me learn, grow, feel and come out of my shell. I met so many interesting people here. And I'm sure I'll meet more!?
So in the end, I guess I'm thankful for all that is, was and will be in my life. But I'm most thankful for myself!? Thanks to all!? I'll remember!? J


Blogger Mikey said...

You are most welcome...I don't know you that well (yet), but I have this intuition that you have a strong spirit full of love just busting at the seams...I like that!

8/30/2006 05:04:00 p.m.  
Blogger RIC said...

It would be of very bad taste to make a joke now, wouldn't it, Joel? If I didn't speak English (or any other language, for what that matters), I guess I'd be somehow «protected», wouldn't I?...
Now I think you know what I felt.
Those silly lines mean something to me, otherwise they wouldn't be there at all.
Sorry, Joel, sometimes words have to be said.

8/30/2006 05:51:00 p.m.  
Blogger RIC said...

... But then again you should know already better than that, as far as I'm concerned.
I read your emails only now (you can check the time below, okay?), and it makes no sense to me that you may think you were meant or included in that post.
I cannot understand that, after what I've written to you in that long email. Are we playing or what? (Sorry for this question, but I don't know what else to think anymore...). How can you take more seriously a public text with no names than a personal email? If you make a joke, and I happen not to like it, I just tell you that and it's over and done with.
We have so little time to communicate with each other - and with one another - that I think we should avoid this kind of dramas. They're pointless and useless, don't you think, Joel? Let us play no more tricks on each other, okay?
I'll email you tomorrow about Saturday. Both periods are fine with me.
(If you feel like erasing this comment after reading it, please do! I couldn't agree more.)
Take care! Thank you! :-)

8/31/2006 01:04:00 a.m.  
Blogger tornwordo said...

I think expressing daily gratitude is one of the most important exercises for emotional health. It works. Glad to see you in a positive space.

8/31/2006 05:30:00 a.m.  
Blogger Gray said...

"But I'm most thankful for myself!?"

I am very happy to read that, Joel! If we do not like ourselves enough to be thankful for ourselves then we need a major tune-up! I'm elated that you are shifting your mood. I hope that work and the general things in life ease up for you to give you some much needed quality healing time.

8/31/2006 05:48:00 a.m.  
Blogger Lemuel said...

We thank you for you, too! HUGS!

8/31/2006 06:53:00 a.m.  
Blogger Ur-spo said...

I am glad you are thankful.
I try to start each day with the prayer
I thank you God for you have given me another day of life"
It reminds me that despite it all, it is both good to be here and I am grateful.

9/01/2006 12:30:00 a.m.  

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