Tuesday, November 21, 2006

On the right track!?

A bit over a year ago I told my shrink that I felt I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have an imagery mind. I told him, I felt like my parents had put me in front of a mountain and they had told me to dig, when I was going to get on the other side I'd be an adult. Like all the kids around me, I started with my hands. Then they gave me a spoon. I feel their assistance stopped there. The other kids got shovels, pick axes, a team of helpers, trucks, bulldozers and dynamite. A normal kid takes about 16 to 20 years to get to the other side. Me with my spoon, it took me about 36-37 years. Then I began the "adjustment" period. I started seeing the light around June 2005 and I guess I took a break. Now I've started my adjustment period a few months ago. I feel it inside, I am maturing. I feel like I'm growing up. I did do a big clean up in my life, in me and I guess all the mess is finally clearing out. There is still some junk in there, but I do feel some order. I think the road will be easier now. I know I'll be able to move on pretty soon. Even though I've been put on sick leave right after my vacation, it doesn't feel the same. Last week it was relaxing and enjoying. Now I feel like I should do something. Not to say that I'm stressed but I do feel like this time is given to me to keep working on myself. So that's what I'll do. If weather permits, I'll keep riding my bike. I will have to dress warmly, but if I don't feel to "restrained" in warmer clothes, I'll ride my bike again. I did sign up to the pool. I'll make a schedule and go about 3 - 4 times a week. A lot of books suggest taking yoga classes. I'd rather take a martial arts class. This way I could train, move, get in shape and the discipline does offer concentration, meditation. What do you think? I do have free weights at home that I want to start using regularly. This will help and I'll have something to do if I'm just sitting around watching tv or listening to music. But what I would be more interested in would be a program. There are programs out there for training with just your body. I don't know how it's called but you have different exercises to do that are the same thing as if you go to the gym and use the machines. If you know what I'm talking about, can you help me find some information on the web? I do want to use this "second chance" that's been given to me to really work on myself. I feel good now. Much better than last summer. So I know I can put this time to good use. I'll keep you posted. Have fun!? J


Blogger DEREK said...

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
You have the hottest men on here.

11/21/2006 09:10:00 p.m.  
Blogger abnitude said...

good for you....it sounds like you have adefinite plan. stick to your goals and you will befine, i'm sure.

11/21/2006 10:18:00 p.m.  
Blogger Ur-spo said...

I concur; good for you!
Keep busy in exercise; best thing you can to for anxiety/depression.

11/21/2006 10:19:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




11/22/2006 10:22:00 a.m.  

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