Hung naked on the town square...
With the lack of response, I feel the need to justify my post, to explain my reactions. I feel like I've been left naked on the town square for all to see.Well here is a copy of the only comment I made and will make about it.
This I left on my friend Ric's blog just now at 3:45 am.
-Yours will be the only place I'll comment on this.
The world over was in shock of what happened.
The world over was in mourning.
The world over was thinking of those thousands of people.
I observed all the moments of silence that the world over observed.
It has been 5 years,
we will always remember the incident.
we have mourned that day and so forth in normal mourning.
we probably think about it more then we should.
I have the book with the thousands of pictures on a shelf right next to my desk.
To take time to remember is one thing, to re-enact that plummeting man, those hijackers, all that was not seen is just troubling.
To want to make a bigger, worst memory in the minds of people is troubling.
Why make a bigger deal today then last year? Because it's a rounder number?
To me it's sad.
It's madness.
It just reminds me of what as been done since.
It reminds me that nothing good came out of all of this.
It reminds me of the war that is still going on.
I don't remember the hijackers, I remember that nut making a rodeo of all of this.
A blood bath, but the water is still running, after 5 years. The body count is still growing.
Each of them were mourned by all.
Each of them got mourned by their loved ones.
Each of them have been and always will be remembered.
Lets not mourn again.
Lets not mourn anymore.
So not out of disrespect, out of love and compassion, lets not mourn but make the world a better place to be. I think that is what they would have wanted.
I disagree, Joel. Feeling or expressing sorrow over an event can be cathartic.
One definition of "catharsis" is "A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, described by Aristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audience." []
Put another way, only by mourning can we cleanse our emotions of pity and fear in order to release our emotional tensions.
Sometimes, in order to "make the world a better place" we *must* mourn! Only by mourning do we maintain a purpose. In this case, by remembering and by mourning we remind ourselves of the horror of an event that we must prevent from ever happening again!
Gray you didn't understand me, did you read the whole thing?
I never said not to mourn, we did. Why have us go done that road again? Why let ourselves go down that road again?
THAT is the madness.
J -
I think your last paragraph is the key to your thoughts - that we resolve to move on and make a better world, as you indicated, once we have mourned.
I am reminded by your words of two things.
First, I am reminded of Lincoln's concluding thoughts in the Gettysburg Address in which he called Americans, having remembered the dead, to move on to finish the work that was before them; i.e, to make a better world.
Second, I am reminded of the Kubler-Ross (sp?) writings about the grieving process. Someone who grieves needs to go through all the processes, among them disbelief, anger, etc. But for the psyche to be healthy again, one who grieves must not get stuck in any of them, but move on again to wholeness and health, again, to a better world.
Had Americans "moved on" and not become stuck in "revenge mode" our world might now be a much different, a much happier, better place. The emphasis on fear and revenge by those leaders claiming "faith" betrays the bankrupcy and illegitimacy of their supposed "faith" for it is far removed from the life and teachings of the one they supposedly claim is their Lord.
I'm with you. The best way we can honor and remember the dead is to work for a better world.
Working towards a better world is amazing!
So many feeling still come from that day. But working towards a better tomorrow would be a way to honor them.
Once again, thank you, Joel!
I agree with Lemuel: your last paragraph is the key to your reasoning. I'm a 100% with you!
Wish you a nice day!
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