Back to the Present!?
Why do we tend to remember what's not good,
the bad, the wrong?!
I'm looking back at how for so long I've been carrying this hole of missing my friend Sandra. I brought it up yesterday to make myself understand once and for all that it's ok for us to be separated. When the time comes, when the chips fall, we'll be there for each other.
We e-mailed each other back and forth four or five times yesterday. I understand when she told me I brought it back up. But to me it was always there. I had to write it for me to finally understand that it was ok.
Since cleaning house, I see a lot of stuff that's being carried around for no reason. I've been living so far in the past and so far in the future that the present even close before and after is not even imaginable.
Why do we cling to bad memories that will only bring us down?! Why do we look so far ahead?!
And it's not enough that we do it to ourselves, others do it to us. I did it to my friend. Governments do it to us all. TV, newspapers and magazines try to get their readers. Why?!
I did it to finally make myself see it. We have to remember this is my journal. But all the others do it for money, power, control, revenge. Doing this to humanity keeps us in the dark, makes us slaves. Why do we even listen to all this?!
Well for my part, no TV was watched this week end, and none will be watched today. Actually I've been living without TV for quite some time now. I haven't watched the news or read a paper for even longer.
Not because I don't care, I don't want to be lied to. News is news, not bad news, or not just bad news. I'm tired to be forced to see bloody bodies while I'm eating or before bed.
Don't tell me I'm ignorant or selfish. Don't tell me we have to look at the big picture. If people had looked at the smaller picture first, our own neighborhood, Province/State, Country, we would all be the better for it. Let's keep a closer eye on our small picture and I'm sure a lot of things will resolve themselves.
The world is actually doing what I've been doing for so long, looking too far back and too far ahead. I wonder if the pill company would have enough to cover the world.
I'm starting to understand that I'm not like that. I never was. But I guess my system tried to follow the rest of the world. I'm finally getting the two together and I guess I'll step aside or walk behind, cause I'm not going to fall for those traps again.
As for the pictures, I just want to say thank you for "Don't ask, don't tell"!? There is less of us getting lost in this stupidity. Who knows, maybe some day we'll be the majority!?
The boy as covered a lot of ground in a really short time!?
This is my only contribution to today!?
The War Song
Take care!?
Have fun!?
As you have done and are doing, J, we must all take back our lives.
The main difficulty is more or less the same all the time, everywhere, and at any task: to get properly balanced.
«Virtue lies in the middle».
The world is not in black and white. :-)
Agreed with the above comments.
"Once bitten twice shy" is an old addage that pertains here. There is no need to fall into the same traps. You've learned your lessons and you've moved on. Bravo!
After re-reading your post and its attending comments, I shall add the following.
Sometimes, we *must* remember the bad in order to prevent it from happening again.
Sometimes, we *must* ACT in order to prevent some ugliness or another to again occur (whether in the world or in our own lives).
Not falling into the same traps is one thing. The Boy Scout Motto is another! "Be prepared!" "Be Prepared" to face the ugly, the evil, the bad of the world and of our lives.
Failure to do so opens us up (once again) to again become victims. And damn it! I don't like being a victim.
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