Saint Gray The Divine!?
Thanks to Gray,
I have pictures of the statue I was looking for on Saturday. He took it upon himself to check the web and after getting tons of links of statues of NY, he found what I was looking for.
The statue is
"The Peace Fountain"
located in the courtyard of
The Cathedral Church of Saint John The Divine.
I hope you enjoy!?
Thank you Gray!?
If I ever go back to NY I'll make sure to send you a copy of "my" picture of this statue.
Have fun!?
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians!?
Thank you Gray!?
If I ever go back to NY I'll make sure to send you a copy of "my" picture of this statue.
Great Gray indeed! Marvellous photos!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Joel! :-)
the photos are nicely framed and have nice pleasing hues. I like them.
Happy thanksgiving, Joel!
Happy thanksgiving!
What is the standard food of the day in Canada? same has the States?
What gorgeous pictures!! Happy Thanksgiving to you Pal!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Excuse my igorance--but do you guys celebrate it with Turkey, pumpkin pie and stuffing too?
You're very welcome! Thank *you* for providind the name of the statue, "The Peace Fountain." In all of my searching no one ever mentioned the name! More photos are in your email.
Indeed! Happy Thanksgiving Day! I am looking forward to ours! Yum! :)
I just noticed the title of this post: "Saint Gray The Divine!?" Believe me, my friend, I ain't not no saint! (Grammatical errors on purpose) ;)
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