Saturday, October 07, 2006

A New York minute!?

I would need for a New Yorker to do something for me. When I was in NY, a long time ago, we visited a Cathedral. I think it's at the end of Central Park. In the court yard of that Cathedral, there is a statue of a man standing on a crab, surrounded by giraffes. If memory serves me right, he's even fighting with one of them. You see I loved that statue. I took pictures, but a friend borrowed them to draw the statue. Well we're not friends anymore. She never gave the pictures back. I had taken the negatives out to have them printed, but I can't find them anymore. So if someone could go photograph that statue for me, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you?! J


Blogger Gray said...

Joe, I Googled ""New York City"+"statue"-"Statue of Liberty" and came up with 897 hits. I'll send you the few that I've found for the crab statue.

10/09/2006 06:36:00 a.m.  

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