We are a Nation
with no geographic
Bound together
through our beliefs!?
We are likeminded
individuals sharing
a common vision!?
Pushing towards a
world rid of...
Hope your first day back was a good one! Thank you for the beautiful song. I meant to thank you when you sent it; just been too much going on :) Well, I better get to bed before the online police see what time it is! They'll probably want to strip search me LOL
Amazing picture, did you take it? How was your first day back to work? I hope it went well, I'm sure it did since you are such an awesome guy. Take care buddy!!
I just want to know how the first day of work went - did your geranimals match and did you wear clean underoo's?
Very nice pic, Joel!
Hope your first day back was a good one! Thank you for the beautiful song. I meant to thank you when you sent it; just been too much going on :) Well, I better get to bed before the online police see what time it is! They'll probably want to strip search me LOL
No seriously I need to sleep.
Talk to you soon :)
So J,
How was the first day back to work? All these inquiring minds must know!
Love the pic...my ideal scene. Let's just pretend I am in Hawwaii right now.
i am thinking of you; getting back to work can be anxious; usually it is more anxious in the notion than the action.
good luck there!
Amazing picture, did you take it?
How was your first day back to work? I hope it went well, I'm sure it did since you are such an awesome guy.
Take care buddy!!
I'm feeling for you buddy, I know how it is getting back to work. Can't believe I've been back to work now over a month.
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