What I want to do when I grow up!?
Ok guys, I've had it!?
I'm sick of what is going on everywhere!?
I've talked about it and some of you seem ready to help!?
I was told by one of you that too many people talk about it but don't do anything!? Well she's right!?
I've been thinking about it for almost 20 years!?
I am afraid of the size and magnitude of what I want to accomplish!? I just don't know where to start!?
Maybe I felt to young?! Maybe I didn't feel ready?!
I think this wake up call showed me I need to do more with my life!?
I think now is the time!?
I'm as ready as I'll ever be!?
Ok, here is my plan,
I would like to open a shelter for homeless people to get back on their feet and back into this world. I know not all of them need or want help, but I would be there for those who need help, who will accept my help and those who are willing to help themselves.
I want to have some kind of resume that people would fill out. I'd ask if they have any education. If they have any skills.
I'd help get these people back on the job market if that is what they want. I'd help younger ones go back to school or learn a trade. I'd try to start a construction company with some of these people. The company could work for the shelter. The income generated would go back into the shelter.
I'd try to find knowledgeable people to open a day care for single parents living at the shelter.
Depending on the experiences, I would open a business that would regroup the most people. I would ask for a certain amount, small one, from those working as rent for their room and board. I would reinvest that money into the shelter. I would not charge students if they have passing grades. I would offer courses in computers and languages to help with the basic skills.
I'd get clothes for people going back to work, school.
I'd try to get in house psychiatrists, doctors and nurses.
I'd try to get any position that could be filled by these people first. Cooks, cleaning staff, electricians, plumbers, security guards, gardeners...
Once all this is up and running, I'd get a farm outside of town.
I'd get the construction crew to fix up the place.
Small separate cabins or an inn would be built.
There we could give vacations to these people at no charge. This place would also be to help abandoned and sick animals. I'd get the University to bring in students to treat the animals. I'd sell the ones that are ok at the auction, keep the old and the sick. None would be killed, unless there is nothing to be done and the vet says it would be best for the animal.
Fruits and vegetables could be grown. For the Inn and the shelter. A pond for people to swim in. Swings for kids, bikes and games. A mini farm for the kids to lend a hand.
I'd also offer the place to poor city families to come for a free or really cheap vacation. They could also participate in the caring of the animals.
So as you can see, I have very big plans.
I feel like I'd be building a small community.
All this I'd like to do without the help of the governments.
Unless you can tell me of a way they can help without having a hold on the project, I'm all ears!?
I don't want them to own any of this.
If there is anyway you could help, how to proceed, where to start, legal advice anything. I would really appreciate it.
Here is the building that I would like to use.
Now all I need is for the city to give it to me.
Get repairs and materials for free and get started.
I'd give you money, but I'm pretty sure my bank balance puts me in the "potential client" category...
Good luck tho!
goodness know how to start. As Glinda says, it's always good to start at the beginning.
That seems to me to be volunteering at a shelter, to get the 'feel' of how one operates.
I wish I could help you more and better than just a few words of encouragement. I'm absolutely ignorant as far as that kind of project work is concerned. You'll find the persons who'll go that path along with you, I'm sure.
The building is beautiful! Go for it! Enhance your life! :-)
It's an awesome vision, J! Furthermore, it is a *positive* vision, unlike the vision that most of our leaders and movers and shakers have today.
...and people with such positive vision change the world for the better whether or not their ultimate dream comes true.
Just keep putting it out there, and dreams have a way of realizing themselves. In my experience anyway.
I have been a part of projects like yours...you have to start writing grant proposals. There are plenty of places out there that do funding for this type of vision. You have to start by doing a lot of research...A needs assessment, a plan and a budget have to be created and go from there. Some gov't support is not all bad. A lot of the grants require yearly planning and they tend to leave you alone. A word of advise...funders like the word support instead of helping...the ppolitically correctness thing again
You know my feelings on this topic - and I have also expressed the issues and roadblocks associated with this - I am here to help in anyway that I can...
I think you've got a great dream, and can make it a reality. I hope you can do it!
I hope you can get it off the ground. You need to sit down and come up with a business proposal, even if its a non-profit set up of sorts. Backers will be needed.
think through it. It can be done but it'll take a lot of work.
Good luck. That is a great plan. I don't have any advice, since I don't know the ins/outs of starting something like this.
But when you do get it started, I will donate some of my vacation days to helping out.
I hope this plan gets up and running. It would be great to see it flourish.
You're amazing, Joel. This is a great idea. Both Mikey and Tony have the right ideas; planning and seeking funding are the two top items that should be on your agenda. [A thought: there are some community colleges in the US that have classes to show you how to write grant requests, business plans, etc. Perhaps Canada's community colleges have the same.] My brother used to help others write grant requests (about 8-10 years ago, but I'm sure he hasn't forgotten); I'll email him and ask if he has any ideas along the line you have in mind. Good luck!
I emailed by brother's response. Good luck!
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