Wednesday, August 16, 2006


-No I'm not leaving this world nor the blog world!? I was actually thinking about leaving my home!? -What I've been calling home for the last 5 years!? -I know you'll tell me I'm the one who was stupid enough to do this, -but I still did it!? And now it's hurting if not killing me!? -3 years ago I suffered facial paralysis symptoms cause I couldn't tell my bf I was leaving!? I -told him after talking with a shrink, everything went away. But please understand I brought this on me, even if it was not to hurt him!? -We decided to stay roommates, why so long, cause I'm a sucker!? I met a guy, we went on 2 -dates and I got the freaking girlfriend treatment from the ex. I can understand his reaction, I had the same one, while he was my bf, I couldn't stand to see a guy in my house, our house, of me and my ex, first!? -I stopped seeing this guy cause in the end he was a bit weird, called me his bf after 2 dates. -But now I feel like, "I'm fine now, I'm living without you thank you". I guess I knew it would --come to this, but I was wouldn't hurt so much...not like this?! It seems to have been fixed, I think we are still ok!? He really is a good guy!? He said he wouldn't comment anymore cause he thinks you guys hate him!? Please tell me it ain't so, please tell him!? I guess in the end, it was a big misunderstanding!? I really hope you guys aren't mad at him, cause all you read except 2 parts, was all my doing!? Funny how the mind will make you sick and force you to work against you!? And I left the vid, cause I think it's great!? I think they need all the support they can get!? If you didn't get this song yet, PLEASE DO, make sure people tell them and their ex-fans that they are that good!? NOT READY TO MAKE NICE J PS right now my best friends are bloggers!? Pathetic isn't it?! Why do good guys always finish last?!


Blogger john said...

Hi. Just wanted to let you know, everything will be okay. And we are all always hoping for the best for you.

8/16/2006 01:23:00 a.m.  
Blogger Gray said...

It's not pathetic that, for the time being, your best friends are bloggers. It would be pathetic if you had no friends at all. Hang in there, Joel!

8/16/2006 05:17:00 a.m.  
Blogger RIC said...

You are leaving?! And where to?! And who said you have permission?! (lol)
Let's not misbehave, okay? Comme les trois mousquetiers, on est ici l'un pour tous et tous pour l'un! Did you get that, sir? Fine!
Btw, did you read that post of mine already? :-)

8/16/2006 08:07:00 a.m.  
Blogger DEREK said...

Sometimes I think it's safe, but not pathetic.

8/16/2006 09:37:00 p.m.  
Blogger Ur-spo said...

right now my best friends are bloggers too.But I hope that this is not pathetic. I sense "quality' in this lot.

8/16/2006 11:46:00 p.m.  
Blogger Lemuel said...

re: update. We have no reason to hate your roomie! Give him a HUG and a kiss for us all.

8/17/2006 10:59:00 a.m.  
Blogger A Bear in the Woods said...

I don't hate him. I thought I left a comment to this post. Was it so awful you had to reject it? I know for myself I tend to hold on to a love far too long. I wrote you about that. If things are good there with roomie, I'm glad.

8/17/2006 06:57:00 p.m.  

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