"We all have to behave better than what naturally comes to us."
This quote was said on 60 minutes yesterday by Andy Rooney. Since I don't watch much TV anymore I missed it. Thank you
Torn for posting it this morning.
It inspired me. Made me think back to the old me. It made me realize that I was forgetting my old ways. This quote wouldn't have to be if we weren't so self centered.
Where is our sense of community, our sense of family? Why do we have to behave "better" than natural?
Because we are so detached from each other that we've forgotten what it means to be brothers. What it means to help each other out. We lost all respect for our fellow men.
We must remember that we are all in this together. "All for one and one for all" to quote a famous group/family.
Lemuel posted a
story on two people having the same dream, but one saw it as Hell and the other saw it as Heaven. This story goes with the quote above. It shows how much we're only thinking of ourselves.
I know it's not everybody. But there is too much selfishness in the world. Too many who think only about themselves.
How about we lend a hand from now on?
When ever possible lets help each other.
We don't have to wait to be asked,
we can offer our help.
No matter how small the gesture, you'll feel better and the person receiving your aid will be grateful. Surprised but happy of your forwardness and kindness.
Congratulate someone on an action well done.
Even if it's their job.
A few words of encouragement,
some positive feedback is always good to hear.
Let people know they can lean on you when ever the need arises.
Everybody needs a shoulder,
an ear to be there for them.
It doesn't mean they'll take advantage of your offer,
but at least they'll know someone cares.
Last but most important, smile. Always walk with a smile on your face. You'll see how much a smile brings out other smiles.
You'll feel better and the people coming in contact with you will be a lot more positive. More relaxed and more fun. At worst, you'll feel better and will be working on a natural face lift.
If you remember your biology courses, it takes less muscles to smile then to frown. Less wrinkles.
Why should we wait to get to Heaven? Lets make Now Heaven.
So lets help each other!?
Lets have fun!?
Lets smile!?
This was a good post. I think we do need to start thinking of others and not so much ourselves anymore. It will make for better days.
Thanks for "passing the torch". We do need to rise above and to help each other achieve that.
Thanks also for the kind words.
I must admit that your comment to "walk with smiles" brought a smile to my face. It reminded me of a favorite expression of a friend (not unique with him I think) - he would remind us "Smile! If nothing else, it makes people wonder what you've been up to."
HUGS, Joel!
... So I'll make mine the words of Lemuel's friend and I'll ask you with no more delay: what have you been up to, Joel, during the weekend, huh? I wonder...
I always try to smile, but some times... Well, I just try to forget those times, anyway... So that I can go on smiling.
(There was no e-mail! Did I get you wrong somehow?)
little random acts of kindness, no matter how mawkish, ripple through the world and make it a better place.
I know I said thank you on It's Raining Men, but I just wanted to say thanks again for this post. It gives me hope, and sometimes that's worth more than anything else.
I'm smiling!
Here here!
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