Thursday, November 30, 2006

Can you say stupid?!

Do not feel sorry for me!? I am that stupid. I had an appointment this morning at nine with the psychiatrist, I woke up at ten. I went out last night. Of course I got drunk. Apparently I got home at four and put on some music. I woke up my roommate. Do I remember any of it?! NO!? Stupid is as stupid does!? Guys, I have a drinking problem!? J


Blogger RIC said...

That has absolutely nothing to do with being stupid! Believe me; I've been there before myself. For a while, not a long time, but I was there. My reaction to excessive drinking was like yours: the next day, when I woke up, I never knew what had happened, where I had been, whom with, how I had come back home, and so on, and so forth. The whole package.
I was in my late 30s. My life was falling apart. In every sense and in every way. I said to myself I would put an end to it. It took me some time, but I eventually did. I've never drunk again the way I used to do in those days. Better: nights, as I've never drunk during the day. After dark it seemed as if I had a license to drink until I fell. Today I know myself quite well as far as alcohol is concerned. I know there's a genetic predisposition, that is, it runs in the family. My mother's brother had had drinking problems for a while. He got over it, and so did I years later. I still drink today, though not regularly. I know I can control it as long as it has nothing to do with my lifestyle, as long as it doesn't interfere with it.
I haven't been drunk in years. I've been close to, a few times, but I've never lost control. If you are able to appeal to all your strength, you can do it. It's a matter of making your mind up.
I know nothing about other methods, as AA's and similar. In my opinion anything will work, provided that your mind is truly set.
Because it happened today, and didn't allow you to go to the appointment, don't let it pull you down. You'll get over it. Strength of will is paramount, but when you're not so well, you can't even hear about it, I know.
E-mail me if it will make you fell better. It's quite good to share something like this with anyone who went through it. Other friends will give you some more advice, and that can only be good.
Rest all you need, and get back to serenity. Recriminating yourself for what happened will only worsen things even more.

11/30/2006 02:20:00 p.m.  
Blogger Doug said...

I may repeat some of what Ric said, but it bears repeating.

You're NOT stupid! Mistakes are part of being human. You are dealing with some very rough things in your life. Treat yourself like you would your best friend. If your friend made a mistake, you'd forgive him, right? Forgive yourself.

You said you have a drinking problem. That is a huge admission. It took me about 10 years before I could admit this. I was in therapy, and even with three different therapists telling me I might have a drinking problem, it still took me a year to admit it to myself. Once I did, I decided to stop drinking. I had a few false starts before I finally quit for good, and I haven't had a drink in almost 2 years. I never attended AA, but being in therapy helped.

One of my therapists told me that I had to replace alcohol with something else. I didn't initially do anything to replace drinking. The time I used to go out drinking I replaced with sitting at home. Gradually, over time, I have found jogging, weights, and tennis to replace alcohol. I go to dinner with friends instead of going out to drink.

It isn't always easy. There are times I would kill for a beer. I don't know how I get through them sometimes other than to accept that I don't drink alcohol. It is a fact of my life now.

Bottom line: feel badly that you made a mistake, but don't generalize about your worthiness as a human being. Forgive yourself and figure out how you're going to tackle this problem.


11/30/2006 03:09:00 p.m.  
Blogger Lemuel said...

Don't beat yourself over it. We are all that and more. Tomorrow is another day. Resch

11/30/2006 06:19:00 p.m.  
Blogger Jason said...

Tsk Tsk...
That's what reschedules are for. They don't still charge you do they?

11/30/2006 08:59:00 p.m.  
Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...

The only thing that registered is "guys, i have a drinking problem!?" The rest is part of life.

Why the question mark at the end? Are you not sure?

The first step is understanding that there is a problem.

Good luck to you guy.

11/30/2006 09:23:00 p.m.  
Blogger Ur-spo said...

trust me you are not the first shrink case who missed their appointment.
If he's from the old school he'll bop you on the head with missed appointment = resistance to treatment.
Make another apointment and examine the problem and think of some solutions.

11/30/2006 10:28:00 p.m.  
Blogger T-Bird said...

Joel, treat yourself good. Very good! Never sell yourself short. Walk away from anyone or anysituaiton where you are not treated well.

I like what Ric wrote. We all know our own verison of aching hearts and wounded spirits. I like what Doug wrote. Wisdom from both. You can heal wounds that seem as if they cannot be healed. i am living proof of this.

I am setting up my own blogger site. In the mean time:

12/01/2006 01:50:00 a.m.  
Blogger Guys' Guy said...

Just wanted to say Hi!

12/01/2006 03:59:00 p.m.  
Blogger Michael The Shadow said...

You know...I'm with everyone on this one. Don't beat yourself up. (that's what I do so I know that the advice is sometimes hard to take)

And ya my mind, as long as it isn't nightly that you go out and get drunk....well maybe it's slightly therapudic. I know that when I was out in New York I was out every night and yes, I was drinking like a fish. When I got back home...I haven't really had a drink since then.

You know that you always will have my support my friend. If you ever want to talk, I'm an email away.


12/02/2006 12:14:00 a.m.  
Blogger Gray said...

Go ahead, Joel! Beat yourself up! This November 30th post only goes to show what I've believed for years. Nature gives us all a chance to slam ourselves and to berate ourselves. Don't let your chance pass you by. Beat yourself up and let others help you!

Of course I am being facetious, Joel! I've been fighting this like so many others. Since having just gotten out of the hospital, I haven't drank nor smoked for over 2 weeks. Now that I am home, I *CRAVE* both even as I type this. I don't know if I'll go back -- I hope not. But please understand that (1.) you are not alone and (2.) you are not the only one fighting it.

Fight it as much as you can and rely upon your friends to try to help you in stopping!

12/19/2006 03:16:00 a.m.  

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