Sunday, June 25, 2006

This, that and the other!

Hi guys! For starters, I loaded the pics before doing anything else this morning. I guess it worked. Second, if you're wondering why I don't fix or paint the shed where the fake window is, I'm renting and the owner doesn't take care of the place at all. So you see when we leave, the windows leave with us. Third, I've received e-mails from others stating that Cute Overload did not respond nor post their pics either. So once a week, I'll post cute pics that did not make the CO listing. This is not a competition, nor a war against CO. Let's pretend that they are too busy. So if you have cute pics, send them here and I don't know, maybe Sunday nights I could post the pics so it would be just cute and nice to end the week end or you could view them on Monday morning at work and start the week easy. I might not have cute captions like CO, I'll try but can't promise anything. --------------------------------------------------------------- I've had a few comments for yesterdays post, "A bit of little old me!". I hope I didn't turn anybody away? It's gotta be because it's the week end. Right that's it! The week end. OMG I'm boring. That is what I was thinking every time I would check my comments and see none. See the anxiety? lol Then what I told a certain J came back to me, "the blog is for you first". I don't mind people reading it. I welcome all the comments, ideas, suggestions. And who knows maybe little old me might help someone just by reading me. I think a lot of us live the same things but not at the same time. One person could have lived let say situations 1-5-6 of my post for example and another will have lived 1-3-9 but those 2 have lived situation 11 that I have not lived, or lived yet. So I think it's good and fun to get comments. But it's also ok not to get any cause this blog is me for me first. I remember when I first started to read blogs, I didn't leave comments. But they do get addictive. lol I've replied, I hope, to everybody that left a comment on my blog. So J like I told you, write what you want, people who read you will know it's you and accept. If not it's ok. And if by chance you have an off day, people will be there to cheer you up. What do you think guys? What do you think J? Have a good Sunday. Remember to have fun! I'll come back later with my first post of, "Even CO was speechless!" lol Like the title? J


Blogger Tony said...

Love the pic of the beach with the tree in the sand.

Hey Joel...readership typically drops off on the weekend. I've noticed it since starting to blog two months ago. Expect the mid secion of the week to be more active generally.

Keep up the blogging!

6/25/2006 03:05:00 p.m.  
Blogger Pete said...

Joel this is your blog and you should do/post whatever you want to. I don't find it boaring rather interesting. Love the pics. Tony is right readership does tend to wain on the weekends.

Whatever you decided try not to let you blog consume what you are going to put up here. Just let it flow and you will know what to do.

As always thanks for sharing.

6/25/2006 11:22:00 p.m.  

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