Monday, October 23, 2006

A hell of a couple of months!?

No no don't worry, I'm not going back and cry. I just can't believe everything that's happened to me in the last few months. My life as never been so full, so agitated. You have to remember I comeback from pretty far. I wont go into details here, but just remember my panic and anxiety attacks really took a toll on me. The month of August saw me depressed like I've never been before. I mean I've never been so blue to the point of spending day in and day out in bed. I wasn't even sleeping, I just didn't care. I was told it was to be expected after all I went through. Then I forced myself to go out and meet a blogger friend. It was one of the best day I've spent in a long long time. We didn't do much, just rode our bikes and talked. I guess the outdoors and the company really helped. He might think me nuts but it really was a great day for me. It did start rocky, I was having anxiety attacks while we were having breakfast. I guess I wasn't totally ready to face the world, but with him at my side, it was a piece of cake. Thanks Torn, you know I'll remember that day for a long time. For some reason it did me lots of good. And I'm glad it was with you. After that day, everything was different. I just felt so happy. Everything was great. Everything!? Since then, even when sick I smile. I feel good and my confidence has gone up tremendously. I think the exercise and the pills finally reaching my low point are the reasons I started feeling so good. I also started work again in August. Now that was and is hard. It's the only place I still have anxiety and panic symptoms. I know why. It's where it all started, and also the accumulation of three years of frustration regarding a few employees. After a while it can way a guy down. But I'm getting by. It's getting better every day. About that time I met a long distance friend. He stopped everything to go back to university. It's a personal goal of his. I know he'll make it!?This guy is pretty bright. He started a few programs that got top honors from our governments. Congratulation Mikey!? I felt so great that I decided to get another cat. How many depressed people do you know who will get a pet, something to take care of? To depend on them? I really felt great. I loved NEO. Here is something I haven't told you. I didn't mention anything and I removed my pics and name just as a precaution. I'm not even sure it's safe, but... I met a guy and saw him two nights in a row. He was a con artist and took 60$ from me. I told him that I couldn't see him, it seems to have done the trick. Even the night he was suppose to reimburse me he said he had to cancel dinner and asked for money. For some reason after the second time I met him, his stories had changed, I went on the web and found articles with his name. He robbed so many people, even companies. So on the third day of knowing him I went to the police and told them that if they were looking for him, this is where he is and here's his phone number. No need to tell you my anxiety was hitting me pretty hard. But I've not yet heard from him and I don't want too. Also in September I grew a year older. It was the quietest and best birthday day in a long time. I physically turned 38 but I think mentally I've moved from my teen years to somewhere in my twenties. Then in October, we all know what happened. My cat broke. Enough said!? Just then I met another fellow blogger, Foxy. He's a cool guy. He would like to be a writer. I love the way he writes, and his poems are pretty amazing. He's the one that made me the "wolf picture" and made me an honorary wolf by calling me Dreaming Dawg. He and Torn are the only two people that saw the shyness in me. Torn I can understand, he met me. But Foxy got it just from reading me. He's also a panic and anxiety brother. Us scardy cats gotta stick together. lol Last Saturday marked my fourth month of blogging. I'm amazed at how much I've learned and how many people I've gotten to know. The internet is pretty amazing. Also in the last few months, I met more guys then ever before in my life. And all but one were great experiences. Not bad. I think I'm turning into the slut I should have been in my twenties. hehehe So all in all it was an amazing two months. Lots of action, sex, tears, more sickness. Just about everything happened in the last months. I would like to thank everyone for their support. Your words and presence mean a lot to me. Thank you!? Have fun!? Joël


Blogger tornwordo said...

When you look back at it, you can see the value, but when you're going through it, it's hard. Really nice post.

10/23/2006 06:42:00 a.m.  
Blogger Lemuel said...

A really nice tribute to Torn and Foxy, but also a nice tribute to yourself - to the one who is going forward, - to the one who is on the journey to finding life and love again, - to you!

10/23/2006 07:05:00 a.m.  
Blogger RIC said...

Great retrospect, Joel! Congratulations on your inner strength! THAT is quite amazing indeed!
(Just btw: so now you want to turn into the slut you should have been, huh?... My, my... Aren't we learning all the time?... (Lol!)
Best wishes!

10/23/2006 12:34:00 p.m.  
Blogger Guys' Guy said...

This was awesome...thanks for sharing!

10/23/2006 02:55:00 p.m.  
Blogger Ur-spo said...

what a journey you are on
I am glad you share it with us all.

10/23/2006 10:42:00 p.m.  
Blogger Gray said...

Indeed it takes courage to go through life's battles. It takes even more when courage to rebound after sometimes devistating events.

Congratulations, Joe! I wish you many more months (and years) of blogging!

10/23/2006 10:43:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you joel
that means a lot to me

10/23/2006 10:54:00 p.m.  

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